Blog Posts
Through its extensive and comprehensive approach, the legal industry often necessitates copious mountains of paper usage. Due to various acts and bylaws focused on record retention, legal professional...
With the increase in employees heading back to the office, whether it’s full time or a few days a week, many employers have started to re-evaluate their use of office space. Organizations are searchin...
It takes a lot of planning and hard work to scale your business into a profitable entity. According to Forbes, one of the most important strategies that can help you scale your small business is to de...
For many organizations, accounts payable approval workflows remain a tedious, manual process involving numerous emails and follow-up calls to obtain the proper approvals. Unfortunately, this inefficie...
Organizations have a lot on their plates. Issues including availability of capital, scaling, marketing and more can leave businesses with a great deal of frustration. Reducing waste, maximizing profit...
The past few years have driven many companies with predominately paper-based operations to take the necessary steps towards digitization. With remote work expected to increase into 2023, digitizing pa...
Implementing new technology can be a challenge. There are many issues that can prevent a digital transformation project from succeeding, such as organizational readiness, buy-in from key stakeholders ...
We live in the middle of the most competitive time for business in human history. With daily advances in technology and a connected global community, many of the traditional barriers of entry to grow ...
Recent studies from the Aberdeen Group show that best-in-class companies are four times more likely to contract out business processes that may have been previously performed internally, in order to r...
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